With more than two decades of experience in the agriculture and trade industries, our roots run deep. We are passionate about our work and like our products, pride ourselves in fostering quality relationships with our customers. We value consistency, quality, and customer service, the values at the cornerstone of our company that drive our passion and success. At Primo Trading Services, we pride ourselves on possessing an adept understanding of the ever-evolving produce industry, as well as international trading trends and future patterns. Our team has a wealth of knowledge in agriculture, and business management, combined with a pulse for legislative and public affairs on current issues of relevance regarding trade and commerce in the produce, agriculture, and related industries.
In Spanish, the word “primo” means cousin, or a close friend or relative that is like a cousin. Colloquially, in urban slang, “primo” is used to refer to something of the highest quality. Both definitions apply to Primo Trading Services, because we treat our clients like family, and we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality citrus, avocado, and tropical produce in today’s market.
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